About this Episode
Parent Driven Development
Episode 006: Screen Time
00:17 Today topic: Screen Time
03:10 Screen time limits
How do we set limits for our children and their devices
06:59 Other people's screen time policies
Negotiating our screen time policies versus other parents opinions
09:16 Is all screen time the same?
Does it matter what types of activities our children are engaging in on their screens? How do we teach our children the different between good content and bad content?
21:00 Explaining our own relationships to devices
We carry digital devices around all the time: how do we explain that to our children? How can we model good behavior?
26:23 Screen time limits per activities
The discussion turns to setting screen time limits per activity, and helping kids budget their time
30:57 What each of us do for screen time in our households
Each of the hosts states for the record what our current screen time policies are
38:47 Genius / Fail moments
Josh - Preordering gifts from business trips from Amazon. #Genius
KWu - Introducing new foods early with Spoonful One (link), scientific experiments to introduce new solids #Genius
Sarah - "Helpful coupons" artwork #Fail
47:00 Contact Us!
Use your screen time to contact us!
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